How to make your videos appear in the first search results on YouTube and Google 2019
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
Welcome to my love for God in the Algerian professional blog and the theme of today's episode on the way to make your video appear in the home page on the Google search engine
The idea is very simple and very practical and will reduce the number of your views and the top of the page and we rely on this idea on the key words and descriptions which are below the video
For example, we will take this subject as an experiment After completing the video on this subject go to the search engine Google and write in the search box
"The emergence of video in the home page in the Google search engine"
You'll find a lot of topics on the homepage on this form
Now pay attention to the next steps First we will copy the titles of all the topics in the home page again only the two addresses and not the links and then we paste them in the description box
Then then we turn to the keywords which is very important then turn to the search page again and go down to the sorry page you will find suggestions
As the following picture
After that you have to wait a little bit. You will find that your video has appeared on the first or second page with the most note that there are more than 108 thousand themes, but the idea is based on the fact that we took the words of the most prevalent topics and exploited them for our benefit.
This is a detailed video to illustrate the subject in detail
في امان الله احبتي في الله
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