Explain the location of AIRBNB and the way to profit from it.

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Explain the location of AIRBNB and the way to profit from it.
Airbnb site can travel from homes, rooms
And even a bed in the homes of people at low prices when compared to hotels, especially that some of the famous tourist areas contain only huge hotels and often the price of accommodation is very high! In the explanation today we will not know how to book from the site of Airbnb, but we will learn how to make money from it.
If you own an extra house, an extra room in your home ... or even an extra bed in your room, you can participate in this site and not earn extra income! And the fact that the purpose of the process (especially for those who will share his house) is not only profit but also identify people from around the world and listen to their stories and adventures and share their customs and traditions and provide some advice to them that will certainly benefit you and I am sure you will need those relationships In case you visited their country in the future!

The process of registration is very easy process knowing that you are in the definition of your home can also add a definition of additional services provided by those who will host them either for money or free, you and as you want my friend!

As for the Arab countries, money is often withdrawn by bank transfer from the Airbnb website, but if you have a foreign PayPal or a Pioneer card (which you have already received), you can Place a foreign address (an imaginary address) while selecting the drag method and then link the Pioneer or Paypal card if you do not show them when you put your original address.
And who has questions to contact us on your own or ask questions in the commentary.

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